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Author Guidelines

General information
  1. The journal is published twice a year.
  2. All papers submitted to the journal should contain original research not previously published (except preliminary reports or conference thesis). The material published in the journal should be new, true to fact and precise. The methods and procedures of the experiment should be identified in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to reproduce the results. It is desirable that the material to be published should have been discussed previously at conferences or seminars.
  3. Original articles (manuscripts) are up to 10 printed pages, review articles (manuscripts) – up to 20 printed pages. Authors who wish to submit a review article should correspond with the Editorial Board regarding the appropriateness of the proposed topic and submit a synopsis of their proposed review before undertaking preparation of the manuscript.
  4. Articles will be published in the Lithuanian and English languages with comprehensive resumes in both languages.
  5. At the initial stage an Executive Secretary will check the structure, spelling and compliance of manuscript with all submission guidelines. If the manuscript complies with the abovementioned, then manuscript will be assessed by the Editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable then will be sent to at least two independent expert reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The manuscripts may be immediately rejected if they are considered to be out of the journal's scope or if it does not comply the submission requirements. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final.
  6. This journal uses double-blind review, which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. To follow a double-blind reviewing procedure authors are requested to submit two versions of their manuscript:
    • The full version including all author names and affiliations.
    • A blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should either be avoided or left blank. Authors also are requested to remove references to funding sources and do not include Acknowledgments.
  7. All manuscripts must be submitted online at The article should be submitted together with the supplements:
    • Supplement 1. Authors' copyright statement for submitted articles proving that the article submitted is original and not previously published.
    • Supplement 2. Cover letter (in Lithuanian or English) with the title of the article, the authors’ names and surnames, affiliations and e-mails, research interests, scientific degrees and titles, ORCID iDs

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Requirements for the preparation of manuscripts

  1. Manuscripts must be typed on white standard A4 paper (210 × 297 mm) Times New Roman with the interval between lines 6 mm (1.5 line spaced), with a character size at 12 points, with 3 cm margin on the left and 1.5 cm on the right, with a 2.5 cm margins at the top and the bottom of the page. Pages are numbered in the bottom right-hand corner beginning with the title page numbered as Page 1.
  2. The manuscript should be brief, clear and grammatically correct. The typed text should be carefully checked for errors. It is recommended that only standard abbreviation and symbols be used. All abbreviations should be explained in parentheses after the full written-out version of what they stand for on their first occurrence in the text. Non-standard special abbreviations and symbols need only to be defined at first mention. The results of all measurements and symbols for all physical units should be those of the System International (SI) Units. In the text of the article all numbers up to ten are to be written in words and all numbers starting from eleven on – in Arabic figures.
  3. Title page. Submit the unblinded Title page containing the authors details and blinded Title page with no author details. In first case, the title page should contain: a) a short and informative title of the article; b) the first names and family names of the authors; c) the name and the address of the institution and the department where the work was done; d) authors‘ ORCID iD is recommended; e) the name, address, phone number, E-mail number, etc. of the author to whom correspondence should be sent. For double blind review process, Title page that contains only the title is needed.
  4. Abstract. The abstract (250 words) is given in English and Lithuanian languages on a separate pages. It is important to reveal the scientific problem, the aims of the research, methods, to provide the principal results and major conclusions. The abstract should be structured into the following sections: Research background. Research aim. Research methods. Research results. Conclusions. Immediately after the abstract, provide from 3 to 5 keywords. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided.
  5. Introduction. It should contain a clear statement of the problem of the research, the extent of its solution, the new arguments for its solution (for theoretical papers), most important papers on the subject, the aim of the study.
  6. Research methods. In this part the choice of specific methods of the research should be grounded. The research participants, methods, apparatus and procedures should be identified in sufficient detail. If the methods of the research used are not well known and widely recognized the reasons for the choice of a particular method should be stated. References should be given for all nonstandard methods used. Appropriate statistical analysis should be performed based upon the experimental design carried out. It is necessary to indicate the methods of mathematical statistics applied. Do not include information that will identify human subjects. Research involving human subjects should be carried out following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
  7. Research results. Findings of the study should be presented concisely, consistently and logically, not repeating the chosen methods. The statistical significance of the findings should be denoted. Every table (no more than three – four tables are recommended) should have a short subtitle with a sequential number given above the table (the tables are numbered in the same sequence as that of references given in the text). All explanations should be in the text of the article or in a short footnote added to the table. The symbols and abbreviations given in the tables should coincide with the ones used in the text. All figures (no more than four-five figures) are to be numbered consecutively giving the sequential number in Arabic numerals, e. g. Figure 1. The figures should be presented in open file formats so that they could be edited. The approximate locations of the figures and tables should be indicated in the text.
  8. Discussion. At the beginning of the discussion section the authors should provide major original research statements (conclusions) that are supported by the data. We recommend structuring the discussion of the findings into subsections (each original research finding should be discussed in a different subsection). The data and the conclusions of the research are compared to the data obtained by other researchers evaluating their similarities and differences. Authors should emphasize the original and important features of the study and avoid repeating all the data presented within the results section.
  9. Conclusions and perspectives. The conclusions provided should be formulated clearly and logically avoiding excessive verbiage, and should be supported by the research results. It is recommended to indicate the further perspectives of the research.
  10. Acknowledgements. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgements section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance, or proof reading the article, etc.).
  11. Funding source declaration. You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any. List funding sources in this standard way to facilitate compliance to funder's requirements: Funding: This work was supported by the Research Council of Lithuania [grant number xxxx]. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated, as: Funding: none.
  12. Disclosure statement. You are requested to acknowledge any financial interest or benefit that has arisen from the direct applications of your research. If authors have no interests to declare, then this should be stated, as: Disclosure of interest: none.
  13. References. There should not be more than 30 references for original investigations and 50 references for review articles.
    • In the text, the author of the cited source and the year of publication are indicated in parentheses. If there are more than two authors, only the first author’s name adding et al. is given. Several sources cited are provided by the year of publication – from the oldest to the newest.
    • In the Reference list at the end of the article, references should be listed in alphabetical order taking account of the first author. First the references in Latin characters are given, then – in Russian (Cyrillic) characters. For journal (research) articles the following information should be included: a) author names (surnames followed by initials), b) the date of publication, c) the title of the article with the same spelling and accent marks as in the original, d) the journal title in full, e) the volume number, f) inclusive page numbers. When five or more authors are named, list only the first three adding “et al.” For books the chapter title, chapter authors, editors of the book, publisher’s name and location (institution, city) should be also included. In the case when there are several references of the same author published at the same year, they must be marked by letters, e. g. 1990 a, 1990 b, etc. in the list of references and in the article, too. If there is a DOI (digital object identifier) number, then include that.  Begin the DOI number with (according to the latest publication of the APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources). If the resource was found online and does not have a DOI, end the reference with the precise URL needed to access the resource.

Copyright Notice

By submitting the article to Reabilitacijos mokslai: slauga, kineziterapija, ergoterapija, the Author guarantees and warrants that:

Each Article is an original contribution and not plagiarized/copied from any source/individual. It does not contravene on the rights of others and does not contain any libellous or unlawful statements and all references have been duly acknowledged at the appropriate places.

Significant contribution must have been made by each and every researcher included in the list of the authors in preparing the manuscript; authors share collective responsibility and accountability for the results. Anyone who has made a significant contribution must be included in the list of the authors. After acceptance of a manuscript, changes of authorship or the order of the authors are no longer possible.

The article submitted only to Reabilitacijos mokslai: slauga, kineziterapija, ergoterapija, and it has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication in a copyrighted publication.

The Author hereby authorizes the journal to edit, modify and make changes in the Articles/Research paper to make it suitable for publication in Reabilitacijos mokslai: slauga, kineziterapija, ergoterapija.

The Author has not assigned any kind of rights to the above said Article/Research Paper to any other person/Institute/Publication.

The author agrees to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) agreement under which the paper in the Journal is licensed, and grants Lithuanian Sports University permission to publish the unpublished and original manuscript and all associated supplemental material. The author keeps all copyright rights.

The Author agrees to indemnify Reabilitacijos mokslai: slauga, kineziterapija, ergoterapija against any claim legal and/or otherwise, action alleging facts which if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.


  • Manuscript:
    → A manuscript (with authors' identifiers) including a Title Page; structured Abstract, including Keywords; body of the text (Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions and perspectives); Acknowledgements (if applicable); Funding (in unblinded manuscript only); Disclosure of interest (in unblinded manuscript only); and References → All figures (include relevant captions) → All tables (including titles, description, footnotes) → Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided → Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' → References are in the correct format for this journal → All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa → Manuscript does not exceed the pages’ limit → All identifying information has been removed from the manuscript which will undergo double blind peer review process, including the file name itself → Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet) → If a clinical trial has been performed, it is necessary to indicate the number of institutional approval of the Biomedical Research Ethics Commitee → The author must be financially independent of the research funding sources or sponsors

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.