The Influence of Physiotherapy on Neck Disability and Headache among Dental Professionals
This study aim was to identify the impacts of physiotherapy program on reducing neck disability and headache among dental professionals. According to the Neck Disability Index and criteria, set by the International Headache Society, 24 dentists, with neck pain, were selected. To evaluate pain intensity we used visual analog pain scale (VAS). 24 individuals (age 23–39 yr.) were split into 2 groups of 12 people. The first group (age – 27.83 ± 5.0 yr.) had a six – week combined physiotherapy program. The second group was the control group (age 26.17 ± 2.4 yr.) for who physiotherapy was not applied. Physiotherapy program took 45–60 min, twice a week, and consisted of: • soft tissues mobilization techniques; • cervical and thoracic spine mobilization; • active / passive stretching of neck muscles; • exercises which increase neck range of motion; • exercises which increase endurance and strength of upper back muscles. The subjects were assessed before yhe research, 6 and 12 weeks later. The study results showed, that after a six-week physiotherapy program the neck disability index significantly (p < 0.05) decreased. No neck disability index changes were reported in the control group. Daily activity performance significantly improved
(p < 0.05), reading and sleeping quality increased and the subjects could lift weights significantly easier. We found a tendency (p < 0.1) that after six weeks of physiotherapy headaches decreased. The neck disability index of the controls did not significantly improve. Six weeks of physiotherapy program significantly reduces neck pain, headache and improves neck disability index in all domains.
Keywords: physiotherapy, neck pain, headache, the neck disability index.
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