Author Guidelines
1. General information
1.1. Scientific journal “Leisure time research” is published twice a year:
- in June (submission deadline is March 1);
- in December (submission deadline is September 1).
1.2. All papers submitted to the journal should contain original research not previously published (except preliminary reports or conference thesis). The material published in the journal should be new, true to fact and precise, clearly and logically analyzed and discussed as well as contributing to knowledge. The journal will publish other research as well, e.g., reviews of doctoral dissertations, manuals, monographs and other scientific books.
1.3. Original articles (manuscripts) are up to 6–10 pages.
1.4. Articles will be published in the Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.
1.5. All papers undergo the regular review process by at least two members of the Editorial Board or by expert reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. After the review the articles can be returned to authors for corrections. Request to correct the article does not guarantee that the revised article will be accepted for publication. The authors are given one week for correcting the manuscript from the day when the article is returned to the author.
1.6. The manuscript should be submitted to the Executive Editor of the journal to the following address: . The article should be submitted together with:
- Authors’ copyright statement for submitted articles proving that the article submitted is original and not previously published;
- Title page (in Lithuanian, English or Russian) with the title of the article, the authors’ names and surnames, ORCID iD , places of employment and e-mails, research interests, scientific degrees and titles.
1.7. All papers received are registered.
1.8. The publisher maintains the right to reject articles which do not meet the requirements of the journal “Leisure Time Research” for publication. Rejected papers are not returned to authors. The final decision about the publication is made by the Editorial Board.
1.9. There is no fee for the publication of articles.
2. Requirements for the structure of the article
2.1. The title of the article.
2.2. The authors’ names and surnames, the names of the institutions indicating the country.
2.3. Annotation (about 500 characters) is given in the original language revealing the content of the article.
2.4. Keywords: from 3 to 5 informative words and / or phrases.
2.5. Introduction. It should contain a clear statement of the problem of the research, the extent of its solution, the arguments for the novelty of its solution, most important papers on the subject, the aim, the object of the study.
2.6. Research methods. The research participants, methods, apparatus and procedures should be identified in sufficient detail. Methods of the research should be described or references should be given for all non-standard methods used, devices (if any). Appropriate statistical analysis should be performed based upon the experimental design carried out. It is necessary to indicate the methods of mathematical statistics applied (statistical reliability, statistical power, confidence interval, effect size), and to explain the estimation of the sample size. Research involving human subjects should be carried out following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
2.7. Research results and discussion. Findings of the study should be presented concisely, consistently and logically, not repeating the chosen methods. The statistical significance and statistical power of the finding should be denoted.We recommend providing major original research statements (conclusions) that are supported by the data. The discussion of the findings should be structured into subsections.
2.8. Conclusions and perspectives.The conclusions provided should be formulated clearly and logically, based on research results. It is necessary to indicate the further perspectives of the research.
2.9. References. Only published research articles and monographs (with the exception of dissertations) referred to in the text of the article should be included in the list of references. There should not be more than 30 references for original investigations and 40 references for review articles.
2.10. Abstract and keywords:
- if the manuscript is in the Lithuanian language, the abstract and keywords are given in the English or in the Russian languages;
- if the manuscript is in the English language, the abstract and keywords are given in the English language;
- if the manuscript is in the Russian language, the abstract and keywords are given in the English language.
The abstract (no less than 3000 characters) should reveal the research problem, its relevance, research aims and objectives, provide original research findings, discussion, conclusions. The abstract should contain the following sections: Research background. Research aim. Methods. Results. Conclusions.
3. Requirements for the preparation of manuscripts
3.1. The article (in the Lithuanian, English or Russian languages) is submitted via e-mail: . Text Editor – Microsoft Word, format – A4 (210 ´ 297 mm), font – Times New Roman, font size – 12 pt., 1.5 line spaced, the first line indent – 1.27 cm, margins – 2 cm on the left, right, top and bottom, text alignment – according to the width, words are not split. Pages are numbered in the bottom right-hand corner beginning with Page 1.
3.2. The manuscript should be checked for errors. It is recommended that only standard abbreviation and symbols be used. All abbreviations should be explained in parentheses after the full written-out version of what they stand for on their first occurrence in the text. Non-standard special abbreviations and symbols need only to be defined at first mention. The results of all measurements and symbols for all physical units should be those of the System International (SI) Units. In the text of the article all numbers up to ten are to be written in words and all numbers starting from eleven on – in Arabic figures.
3.3. Abstracts and keywords are given at the end of the article.
3.4. Every table should have a short subtitle with a sequential number given above the table (the tables are numbered in the same sequence as that of references given in the text). All explanations should be in the text of the article or in a short footnote added to the table. The symbols and abbreviations given in the tables should coincide with the ones used in the text.
3.5. All figures are to be numbered consecutively giving the sequential. The subtitle with a sequential number given below the figure. The figures should be presented in open file formats so that they could be edited.
3.6. List of references and citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA7 style). Reference examples.
3.7. Literature references in the text are shown in brackets, with the author's name and year of publication, for example: (Butkus, 1996), (Adamonienė et al., 2003).
3.8. References should be listed in alphabetical order taking account of the first author: first the references in Latin characters are given, then – in Russian (Cyrillic) characters. When five or more authors are named, list only the first three adding “et al.”
In the case when there are several references of the same author published in the same year, they must be marked by letters, e. g. 2013 a, 2013 b, etc. both in the text and in the reference list.
If there is a DOI (digital object identifier) number, then include that. Begin the DOI number with (according to the latest publication of the APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources).
If the resource was found online and does not have a DOI, end the reference with the precise URL needed to access the resource. Describing the Web source there must be the date on which it was reviewed in square brackets, for example: [Accessed: 25.12.2013].
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.