Direct Start Preparations of Polish Tennis Representation to Under 16 Team World Championships (Chile, 2001)


  • Marina Jagiello


The analysis comprises a 33-day preparation period of the Polish representation in the fi nale of the Team World
Championships held in Chile (16 10—22 10 2001). Particular attention was focused on the time structure of ap-
plied training — the arrangement and duration of mesocycles and microcycles. The second aspect of the performed
analysis, which was of equal importance, was the general volume and proportions of the applied training means.
The performed studies and an analysis of data available in literature indicated that rational preparation to the main
start in tennis should comprise the following factors: 1) phase of long term preparations and the current acquired
fi tness level; 2) nature of preparations (orientation of workouts, type of applied means) as well as the values of basic
parameters in training work (volume and intensity) that precede the particular period; 3) regularities connected
with processes of restitution after diverse activities, as regards the magnitude (maximum, submaximal, average and
small) and character of training load (related to speed, speed and strength, endurance, etc.); 4) the amount of time
remaining for preparations to the main start.

Keywords: structure of training, training mesocycles, training means.






Sports Coaching

How to Cite

Direct Start Preparations of Polish Tennis Representation to Under 16 Team World Championships (Chile, 2001). (2018). Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 1(60).