College Athletes’ Perceptions of Coaching Behaviours: Differences between Individual and Team Sports
Background. The aim of this research was to examine differences between athletes’ perception of coaching
behaviors in individual and team sports.
Methods. College athletes (N = 100) participated in the study. Three questionnaires were administered to the
athletes: Demographic questionnaire, Leadership Scale for Sports and Negative Coaching Behavior Questionnaire.
Results. The results of this study revealed the significant differences among athletes’ perception of coaching
behaviors in individual and team sports. Individual athletes in this study gave higher ratings to training and instruction,
social support and positive feedback leader behavior from their coaches. Also, athletes from individual sports had
smaller scores on two dimensions and total score of negative coaching behavior questionnaire.
Conclusion. Those findings suggest that the behavior of the coach directed towards improving the performance
of athletes` was higher evaluated from athletes in individual sports. Further studies should provide more information
about coaches’ behavior during the competitive.
Keywords: myostatin deficiency, food withdrawal, starvation, muscle atrophy.
Copyright (c) 2018 Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences

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