Spread of Knowledge on Olympism in School Applying the Integrated Programme of Olympic Education
Research background and hypothesis. The present study deals with the Integrated Programme of Olympic
Education in school. We hypothesized that pupils in schools where this program was executed would have more
knowledge on Olympism.
Research aim was to determine the possibilities of spreading the knowledge on Olympism in schools applying
the programme of the Olympic education.
Research methods. The sample consisted of the representative group of 2335 adolescents aged between 13
and 18 years. The study employed an Olympic Questionnaire (Olympic Questionnaire – Telama et al., 2002) in
order to establish in what way the school provided Olympism-related information and what knowledge related to
Olympism and Olympic Games the pupils possessed.
Research results. It was established that the contents of the Olympic education was various: the pupils were
acquainted with various historic facts about the Olympic Games, their participants, symbolism, traditions, Fair
play; pupils performed practical tasks and various festivals were organized at schools. The survey showed that the
knowledge of pupils from the schools executing the programme of the Olympic education about the fi rst Modern
and the last Olympic Games was better. More pupils from these schools knew the Paralympics Games.
Discussion and conclusions. The survey showed that teachers from schools where the integrated programme
of the Olympic education was executed integrated information about Olympism into their teaching subjects.
Knowledge about the Olympic Games and their participants among pupils in these schools were much better as
Keywords: Olympism, Integrated Olympic Education, Olympism-related knowledge.
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