The Analysis of Objectively Measured Weekly Physical Activity of Adolescent Boys
Research background and hypothesis. The objective methods for measuring PA are used more and more widely
in various research studies all over the world. To our best knowledge, this pilot study is the first attempt in Lithuania
to objectively assess physical activity of adolescents with an ambition to develop a more accurate methodology in
assessing physical activity.
Research aim of this study was to analyze the objectively measured weekly physical activity results of adolescent
Research methods. The PA of schoolboys was measured using Tri-axis ActiTrainer Activity Monitors. Boys
were asked to wear the monitors for the whole week. The level of the intensity of PA was determined by calculating
energy consumption in METs. Based on the frequency of vigorous and moderate PA per week, the participants of
this study were devided into PA groups.
Research results. All of the schoolboys experienced LPA on each of the assessed days. MPA on each day was
experienced by 59.6 % of the boys. No participants achieved VPA on a daily basis. The frequency of MPA and VPA
experienced most often was 5–7 and 1–3 days per week, respectively. The total PA measured during the week was
largely comprised by LPA, i. e. 79.8%; MPA and VPA were 18.8 and 1.4%, respectively.
Discussion and conclusion. Boys who achieve VPA, have a greater total PA during the week than those boys
who do not experience VPA. If boys achieve VPA on more than 2 days during the week, even if it is just for 10 min,
there is a significant increase in the total amount of weekly PA as well as a decrease in their body mass index (BMI).
Boys’ who do not experience MPA at least for 6 days/week, the total amount of weekly PA decreases.
Keywords: PA frequency, PA intensity, PA volume.
Copyright (c) 2018 Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences

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