Influence Of 200 mm Hg Occlusion Pressure on Arterial Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscles and Physical Working Capacity
Research background and hypothesis. Different weights, resistance, scope of work, rest periods, frequency, and
performance velocity are used to increase strength in training sessions. The traditional training facility with high
resistance can be replaced by low resistance while limiting muscle blood flow. Hypothesis: a single 15-minute 200
mm Hg occlusion pressure can affect physical working capacity and blood flow intensity.
Research aim. was to analyze changes in the intensity of the calf muscle arterial blood flow and physical
working capacity with and without 200 mm Hg pressure occlusion.
Research methods. were dynamometry, ergometry, venous occlusive plethysmography. The control group
included six and experimental group – 12 male athletes in endurance sports. In both groups we recorded arterial
blood flow at rest and after 75% of maximum voluntary contraction force (MVC) physical work lifting a weight until
complete fatigue. Between the first and second physical workloads in the experimental group we applied 15 min
occlusion with 40 mm wide cuff in the groin area.
Research results. During the physical load in the control group, arterial blood flow significantly increased, and
during recovery it did not reach to baseline. In the experimental group arterial blood flow significantly increased and
during recovery it did not reach the baseline. Blood flow intensity both the first and the second physical loads altered
analogically. Before the second physical load in the experimental group, 200 mm Hg occlusion had a negative effect
on skeletal muscle working capacity compared with the passive rest in the control group.
Discussion and conclusions. Occlusion of 200 mm Hg in the groin area reduces arterial blood flow intensity in
calf skeletal muscles. Immediately after the removal of 200 mm Hg occlusion, arterial blood flow intensity increases
and then decreases to its original value. 200 mm Hg occlusion pressure reduces blood flow intensity in the skeletal
muscles. Before the second physical load, 200 mm Hg occlusion decreases skeletal muscle working capacity
compared with passive rest in the control group.
Keywords: occlusion, physical working capacity, arterial blood flow.
Copyright (c) 2018 Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences

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