Attitudes of 15–16-Year-Old Pupils with a Sufficient Activity Level Towards the Physical Education Teacher and Their Behaviour
Background. As our society is subject to changes, knowledge about the learners’ attitudes towards a physical
education teacher, their behaviour and characteristics can help to more effectively address the problems of physical
education at school. The research hypothesis was raised in this article as follows: attitudes of 15–16-year-old pupils
with a sufficient activity level towards a physical education teacher and their behaviour will differ with respect to
gender: the male pupils’ approach will be more positive than that of female pupils. Research aim was to investigate
the attitudes of 15–16-year-old pupils with a sufficient activity level towards a physical education teacher and their
Methods. The survey was conducted during physical education classes in Kaunas secondary schools in spring,
2015. The questionnaire survey was carried out. Questionnaire data of 300 sufficiently physically active pupils (150
boys and 150 girls) were analysed.
Results. Both boys and girls indicated good knowledge of the subject, friendliness, communication with the
group, taking into account pupils’ opinions as the most appealing characteristics of the physical education teacher.
Both genders considered that the most unfavourable teacher characteristics were insisting on meeting physical
standards, non-involvement in physical activities together with pupils in the classroom and disregarding pupils’
needs and wishes. More girls than boys (p < .05) did not appreciate the teacher’s non-communication with pupils,
lack of dedication and making offensive comments.
Conclusions. Both boys and girls pointed out that the most appealing traits of the physical education teacher’s
characteristics were good knowledge of the subject, friendliness, communication with the group and taking into
account pupils’ opinions. Girls appeared to be more demanding to the physical education teacher’s behaviour than
Keywords: attitude to physical education teacher, pupils, teacher’s behaviour.
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