Principal Factors Defining Success of Technical-Tactical Actions of Elite Football Team
Research background and hypothesis. Factor analysis method enables to reveal the complex of dominating
indicators determining the competitive result, as well as to define extend of interrelation between indicators and
establish the role of individual factors important in the achievement of sports result.
The aim of this study was to reveal manifestations of factors of technical-tactical actions determining success
of football teams taking part in the country’s championship.
Research methods. The study participants were 24 football players from elite level “Aktobe” team, playing in
Kazakhstan Premier League and the champion of Kazakhstan. The technical-tactical actions was analysed separately
and compared during the first and the second rounds of the championship (1 1 games in each round).
Research results. The analysis of factor contribution into the structure of technical-tactical actions in the first
and the second rounds of the country’s championship showed that during the second round of the championship the
volume of technical-tactical actions, indicating the possession of play initiative, decreased from 49.6 to 44.1% of
total variance, but the contribution of technical-tactical actions, indicating completing of team’s attacking actions,
increased from 16.5 up to 24.8% of total variance. It enabled the team to score more goals in the second round of
the championship.
Discussion and conclusions. Pursuant to the factor analysis, such indicators as “short and medium passes
forward”, “long passes”, “interceptions”, “hitting the goals” and “total number of technical-tactical actions” are
dominating parts of the integral factor – “Possession of play initiative”. Quantifying all the activities of individuals,
group of players and of the entire team, which contributed to achievement of elite football teams, is essential in
programming and managing the training process.
Keywords: football, game analysis, technical and tactical preparation.
Copyright (c) 2018 Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences

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